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马雪琴, 赵桂琴, 龚建军. 高寒牧区播期和氮肥对燕麦生长特性的影响[J]. 草业科学, 2010, 4(7): 63-67.
引用本文: 马雪琴, 赵桂琴, 龚建军. 高寒牧区播期和氮肥对燕麦生长特性的影响[J]. 草业科学, 2010, 4(7): 63-67.
Xue-Qin MA, Gui-Qin DIAO, Jian-Jun GONG. Effect of sowing date and Nfertilizer on growth characteristics of oat in alpine region[J]. Pratacultural Science, 2010, 4(7): 63-67.
Citation: Xue-Qin MA, Gui-Qin DIAO, Jian-Jun GONG. Effect of sowing date and Nfertilizer on growth characteristics of oat in alpine region[J]. Pratacultural Science, 2010, 4(7): 63-67.


Effect of sowing date and Nfertilizer on growth characteristics of oat in alpine region

