欢迎访问 草业科学,今天是
冯云飞,李猛,李少伟,邸迎伟,沈振西,张宪洲,余成群,严俊,席永士,武建双. 2010 – 2017年藏北高寒退化草地禁牧恢复效果评价. 草业科学, 2019, 36(4): 1148-1162 . doi: 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2019-0016
引用本文: 冯云飞,李猛,李少伟,邸迎伟,沈振西,张宪洲,余成群,严俊,席永士,武建双. 2010 – 2017年藏北高寒退化草地禁牧恢复效果评价. 草业科学, 2019, 36(4): 1148-1162 . doi: 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2019-0016
FENG Y F, LI M, LI S W, DI Y W, SHEN Z X, ZHANG X Z, YU C Q, YAN J, XI Y S, WU J S. Effectiveness of grazing exclusion on the restoration of degraded alpine grasslands on the Northern Tibetan Plateau from 2010 to 2017. Pratacultural Science, 2019, 36(4): 1148-1162 . doi: 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2019-0016
Citation: FENG Y F, LI M, LI S W, DI Y W, SHEN Z X, ZHANG X Z, YU C Q, YAN J, XI Y S, WU J S. Effectiveness of grazing exclusion on the restoration of degraded alpine grasslands on the Northern Tibetan Plateau from 2010 to 2017. Pratacultural Science, 2019, 36(4): 1148-1162 . doi: 10.11829/j.issn.1001-0629.2019-0016

2010 – 2017年藏北高寒退化草地禁牧恢复效果评价

Effectiveness of grazing exclusion on the restoration of degraded alpine grasslands on the Northern Tibetan Plateau from 2010 to 2017

