Observation on pollen morphology of Vicia germplasms using scanning electron microscopy
Graphical Abstract
Vicia plants are suitable for cultivation in alpine and high-altitude areas, which supply protein feed for Tibet Plateau in China. Eight Vicia germplasms from 4 countries, including China, Germany, Ethiopia and Mongolia, were collected, and the pollen morphologies of these eight germplasms were observed by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that Vicia. pollens are all single grains. Pollens are three-lobed circulars in polar view, whereas oblate, oval and perprolate in equatorial view. Pollen has a 3-colplate germinal aperture with channels reaching two poles. The polar axis length is 10.3~30.5 μm, and equatorial axis length is 9.0~47.4 μm. Pollen surface ornamentation have four types, including reticulate, brain-like, foveolate and flaky. The pollens’ morphologies of eight Vicia. germplasms were elaborately observed, and their taxonomic characteristics were discussed in this study, which could supply a base for researches on genetic diversity of Vicia. plants.