Construction and identification of a cold and droughtinduced cDNA library from zoysiagrass using Gateway technology
Graphical Abstract
The first cDNA library was constructed using Gateway technology from zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) subjected to coldand droughtstress treatments. Quality assessment showed that the titer of unamplified library was 1.76106 pfumL-1 and the capacity was 7.04106 pfu. The average insert size was larger than 1 kb with the recombination efficiency of 90%. It was suggested that the cDNA library was successfully generated in high quality; most likely containing lots of novel genes. The library may provide an essential resource for future functional genomic analysis of zoysiagrass and could be an effective tool for further studies on highthroughput EST sequencing, for example, new stressresponsive genes screening, gene chips preparing.