Effects of kuoji on broadleaf weeds in the seed field of Kengyilia rigidula
Graphical Abstract
The different dose kuoji with 300, 600, 900, 1 200 and 1 500 g/hm2 was used to treat broadleaf weeds in seed field of Kngyilia rigidula for determining the best scheme by measuring stem harmfulness and fresh weight of weeds and harmfulness of K.rigidula. The results of this study showed that Kouji effectively control Hypecoum leptocarpum, Capsella bursapastoris, Polygonum viviparum, Chenopodium glaucum but did not affect Elsholtzia ciliate and Geranium wilfordi in the seed field of K. rigidula. The dose of 900, 1 200, and 1 500 g Kuoji per hectare control stem harmfulness with 76.1%, 87.4% and 85.2%, and control fresh weight with 76.5%, 85.2% and 90.2%. 1 500 g Kuoji harmed the leaves and stems of K.rigidula. This study suggested that the 1 200 g/hm2 kuoji was the best group to control the broadleaf weeds in the seed field of K.rigidula in the view of safety.