Construction of suppression subtractive hybridization library of Leymus secalinus exposed to drought stress
Graphical Abstract
The drought stress method of root without water was used to construct the subtracted cDNA library of Leymus secalinus containing 576 clone by the method of suppression subtractive hybridization. In this study, the leaves under drought stress were considered as a tester and the leaves under normal condition were considered as a driver. The dot blot hybridization and sequencing was applied to discover the 16 EST with length 100-310 bp. The searching against GenBank with blast algorithm showed that these sequences were high homologous to the gene sequence of wheat and barley under drought stress, the gene sequence of LcBADH2, the gene sequence of hsp70 of Oryza sativa, the gene sequence of RubisCO of Hordeum vulgare, the amino acid sequence of Ubiquitinconjugating enzyme of Zea mays, the amino acid sequence of L20 of 50S Ribosomal protein of plant. This study suggested that these known genes and proteins play an important role in controlling plant osmotic pressure, heat adjustment, photosynthesis and hydrolysis, and had established a basis for disclose the mechanism of drought resistance and cloning stressresistance genes of Leymus secalinus.