Optimizing the producing system of beef cattle grazing onmixture pasture of cocksfoot and white clover
Graphical Abstract
A series of measurements were used to optimize the producing system of beef cattle grazing on mixture pasture of cocksfoot and white clover, and these measurement included 24 hours rotation grazing, seasonal adjustment of stocking rate, sustainable application fertilizer, weed, fodder supplementary. The soil nutrients, intensity of pasture growth, standing biomass, component, nutrients, weights and daily gain of beef cattle were monitored in the process of experiment. The results of this study showed the beef cattle was good and the economic benefit per unit was 1 135 Yuan/ha when the stocking rate was 1.4 cattle unite/ha and the growth biomass of pasture was above 8 077 kg/ha under 24 hour grazing conditions. These optimal measurements were advantageous to sustainable utilization of pasture. Finally, this study proposed the effective advices to solve present problems of grazing system of beef cattle.