Callus induction and plant regeneration of Androsace longifolia
Graphical Abstract
The hypocotyls and leaves from the sterile seedlings of Androsace longifolia were taken as explants to study the effects of different hormone compositions on callus induction, bud induction and rooting. The optimum medium for hypocotyls callus induction was MS + 0.3 mgL-1 6BA + 0.1 mgL-1 NAA, and the induction rate reached 85%. The medium MS + 0.02 mgL-1 NAA + 0.3 mgL-1 TDZ was better for leaf callus induction, and the induction rate reached 80%. The buds were induced in medium MS + 0.5 mgL-1 6BA + 0.2 mgL-1 NAA from hypocotyls callus, and the differentiation rate reached 92.5%. The medium MS + 1.0 mgL-1 6BA + 0.2 mgL-1 NAA was optimal for inducing buds from leaf callus, and the differentiation rate was the highest (82.5%). The best rooting medium was medium MS + 1.0 mgL-1 IBA. The rooting rate reached 100% and survival rate reached 95%.