Study of vegetation diversity of Changsha urban wetland
Graphical Abstract
nvestigation of plant species diversity and the changing characteristics in different types of Changsha urban wetland was performed. We also examined the distribution of different types of wetland vegetations. The result of this study showed that there are 20 plant communities in Changsha urban wetland including Phragmites australi, Acorus calamus, Trapa bispinosa, Artemisia lavandulaefolia, Equisetum arvense, Xanthium sibiricum, Erigeron annuus, Alternanthera philoxeroides, etc. The herb community is the mainly vegetation type. There are 24 types of perennial plants. Among them, 14 types are annual herbs, and shrubs and trees are few. The difference of vegetation diversity in different wetlands is small. The wetland which had the highest species richness contained 23 species and only five of them are endemic species. Although we get some results, there are some influencing factors, such as human activities interfering, urban population distribution, landuse patterns and distance of wetlands to urban core, need to be considered, to get a better conclusion.