Screening of premergence herbicides in centipedegrassduring turf establishment
Graphical Abstract
Five premergence herbicides including Oxadiazon, Trifluralin, Barricade, Smetdachlor and Flazasulfuron were tested during the centipede turfgrass establishment period. The results showed that Oxadiazon will cause a direct and temporary leaf injury after herbicide application, but the injury was gradually recovered. Flazasulfuron caused significant and continuous injuries and growth inhibition to centipedegrass. Barricade, Turfluralin and Smetdachlor were all safe to centipedegrass, with no significant injuries occurred after their applications and all growth parameters measured were higher than the control. Barricade performed the best in the weed control among these three safety herbicides, and could be recommended for the weed control during the centipedegrass establishment.