Research on comprehensive analysis and content of nutritive ingredients in plant leaves for forest musk deer
Graphical Abstract
Based on determinating ingredients of plant leaves, used a simple linear correlation, nutritive type and cluster analysis to classify separately according to nutritive ingredients and partial minerals contents. This study expected to provide references of mixed ration for rasing forest musk deer according to plant leaves nutrient trait. The results indicated that crude fiber satisfy the nutrition demand of the forest musk deer, crude protein contents of Broussonetia papyrifera,Humlus scandens and Morus alba were also satisfied the demand. The calcium content surpassed the demand, while some kinds of plant leave phosphorus content surpassed the demand.The ratios of calcium to phosphorus of Eucommia ulmoids,Picrasma quassiodes,H. scandens and Litsea pungens were less than 7.00, the iron and manganese contents surpassed the demand, the copper and zinc canno satisfy. ASH and CP had significant positive correlation(r=0.610 8), ASH and NEF had significant negative correlation (r=0.684 2), CF and NEF had significant negative correlation(r=0.600 4), CP and NEF had significant negative correlation(r=0.793 2). The nutrition ratio (C/N) of Dipteronia sinensis and M.alba, L.pungens was lower than 3.75, belonged to the N type. The nutrition ratio (C/N)of Acer grosseri was 7.27, belonged to the CN type, Ampelopsis bodinieri, H.scandens and B.papyrifera were belonged to ashN type, Lonicera mackii,Schisandra propinqua and Celastrum rosthornianus belonged to NCash type, the rests belonged to NC type.The plant leaves have been divided into 6 kinds according to the conventional nutrient content, and also may be divided into 7 kinds according to the mineral content.