Effects of saline water irrigation on growth of 7 genera and 11 species of warm season turfgrasses and their salinity tolerance difference
Graphical Abstract
This experiment was conducted to study the growth response and salinity tolerance difference of 13 warm season turfgrasses, belonging to 7 genera and 11 species, to saline water irrigation (20 gL-1 NaCl) combined with soil culture. The results showed that leaf firing percentage was increased and aboveground growth (including total shoot clipping weight, dry crown weight and total aboveground weight) was significantly reduced in all turfgrasses under salinity stress except dry crown weight of Z080 zoysiagrass(Zoysia japonica). Rhizome growth was promoted or unaffected by salinity stress in most turfgrasses except very saltsensitive Pan1 bahiagrass(Paspalum notatum). Root growth response was more diverse among turfgrasses. Roots had died in some very saltsensitive turfgrasses (Pan1 bahiagrass, Tifbliar and E126 centipedegrass(Eremochloa ophiuroides). Root weight was decreased in some less salttolerance turfgrasses (P011 knotgrass (P.distichum)and H001 limpograss(Hemarthria sibirica), and promoted or unaffected in other turfgrasses with high or intermediate tolerance. The significant difference of same index among turfgrasses indicated that there were significant salinity tolerance differences in these turfgrasses. Salinity tolerance decreased in the following order according to the method of subordinate function: Adalayd seashore paspalum (P.vaginatum)Diamond manilagrass (Z.matrellaZ080 Japanese zoysiagrassS004 St.Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum)Nanjing common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon)Lanyin 3 Japanese zoysiagrassTifway Hybrid bermudagrass (C.transvaalensisC.dactylon)P011 knotgrassB003 buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides)H001 limpograssPan1 bahiagrassTifbliar centipedegrassE126 centipedegrass. Relative salinity tolerance in the soil culture experiment was basically coincident with that in the hydroponic culture experiment.