Effects of diets differing in protein sources on rumen fermentation and protein digestion
Graphical Abstract
Four diets with different protein resources (cornsoybean meal, CS; cornsoybeancotton seed meal, CSCS; cornsoybeanrapeseeds meal, CSRS; corncotton seedrapeseed meal, CCSRS) were fermented in vitro for 24 hours with the rumen fluid collected from four cannulated goats to evaluate the effect of dietary protein sources on disappearance of dry matter and protein, gas production, pH value and NH3-N concentration. The results showed that the order of digestion rate of four diets incubated 24 hours by artificial rumen was CSCSCSCSRSCCSRS; the order of the gas production was CSRSCSCSCSCCSRS; the order of NH3-N concentration was CSCSCSRSCSCCSRS. No difference among diets was found in pH value and all pH values were in the normal physiological range.