Effects of applying slowrelease nitrogen fertilizer on quality of maize silage
Graphical Abstract
Hebei Bashang region is located in the farmingpastoral ecotone in north China. A compound management of agriculture and animal husbandry is a main way of agricultural production. In order to improve the situation of poor quality of forage and lack of forage resources for ruminants in the region, effects of applying contents of Urea Formaldehyde (20%, 30% and 40%) and Nitrogen (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 kgha-1)in slowrelease Nitrogen fertilizers on maize silage quality were studied by using randomized experiment design. The results showed that nutritive quality of the silage treated with 40% Urea Formaldehyde was better than those with 30% and 20%, but the organic acid content was opposite. Compared to slowrelease Nitrogen fertilizers of different N contents, the maize silage treated with 120 kgha-1 N had higher contents of crude protein, dry matter and organic acid and lower of neutral and acid detergent fiber than those of other treatments; and the quality of silage was better as well.