Spatial distribution of major nutrients in Xilin Gol Grassland
Graphical Abstract
With the statistical methods of main ingredients principle and coefficient of variation, major soil nutrients of Xilin Gol Grassland during the period of 2005 to 2012 were analyzed and comprehensive evaluated, in statistical methods of main ingredients principle and coefficient of variation. The results showed that, the content of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium and organic matter were 0.982, 0.348, 22.343 and 23.024 g·kg-1 in Xilin Gol Grassland. The soil nutrient condition was as follows: Content of total nitrogen and total potassium are abundant; Content of organic matter is medium; And Content of total phosphorus is lacking. Meadow steppe soil is high total potassium and organic matter content, medium in total nitrogen content, and extremely low in total phosphorus content. Typical grassland soil is high in total potassium content, medium in total nitrogen and organic matter content, and low in total phosphorus content. Desertification grassland soil is high in total potassium content, low in organic matter content, and extremely low in total nitrogen and total phosphorus content. Soil variability is organic mattertotal nitrogentotal phosphorustotal potassium, and their coefficients of variation were 39.4%, 35.2%, 24.3% and 12.5%, respectively. The order of integrated soil nutrients for Xilin Gol Grassland is meadow grassland, typical grassland and desert grassland, from high to low. The highest integrated soil nutrients were observed in Xilinhot Grassland, and the lowest one were observed in Erenhot Grassland. Others remain in between of these two. The results can provide basis support for a reasonable application of grassland resources and effective protection and recovery of ecosystem.