The flight ability of Oedaleus asiaticus and its relationship to population density
Graphical Abstract
The flying ability of Oedaleus asiaticus which is a dominant locust species and its relationship with population density were studied in laboratory. The results of 12hour continuous suspension flying test showed that O.asiaticus had relatively strong highdensity population flying abilitythe farthest accumulated flight distance was up to 15 km, accumulated flight time was more than 2 h. Different dayold adult individuals show significant difference, which 4 dayold adults after eclosion exhibited weaker flying ability, while the 13 dayold ones possessed the strongest flying ability, 20 dayold showed a decreasing trend. Male and female individuals had no significant difference (P0.05). Lowdensity populations of adults did not have the long distance flying ability, each dayold adult accumulated flying distance and flying time were significantly shorter than those of same dayold highdensity population individuals (P0.01).