Effects of different allocation patterns of Vetiveria zizanioides and Amorpha fruticosa for slope protection on plant community characteristics
Graphical Abstract
Effects of different allocation patterns of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) and Amorpha fruticosa for slope protection on plant community characteristics were studied from 2005 to 2006. The results indicated: 1) A. fruticosa monocropped pattern increased the number of the plant species, but for V.zizanioides monocropped for pattern on the northfacing slopes, it rejected other plant species. 2) The vetiver dominance was significantly negatively correlated with the community diversity and evenness index but positively correlated with the community ecological dominance index. 3) The role of vetiver was more important than A. fruticosa in intercropped communities, and it was affected by both slope aspect and A. fruticosa. 4) Southfacing slope was proper for the development of vetiver population, but northfacing slope was not. A. fruticosa developed taller, larger stem diameter with less tillers on the southfacing slopes, and it was opposite on the northfacing slopes. 5) In the intercropping community of vetiver and A. fruticosa on the southfacing slopes, A. fruticosa performed better than vetiver and monocropped A. fruticosa, and it was opposite on the northfacing slopes.