Dynamics of vegetation characteristics and
soil physical properties of Poa pratensis cv.Qinghai
Graphical Abstract
Abstract: A field survey was conducted on the pasture of Poa pratensis cv. Qinghai with the different growing years to find the changeable law of community characteristics and its species composition, diversity index, and soil physical properties in the source region of Three Rivers. This study showed that the community cover, plant height and aboveground biomass decreased with the increase of growing years. The richness index and ShannonWiener index were not significantly different, but the pielou index was different among different growing year pastures. The soil moisture and soil bulk density in the pasture with 9 years were higher than that in the pasture with 2 years, however, the soil water content was not significant between 2 year pasture and 9 year pasture (P0.05).