Effect of rainfall among years and grazing disturbance on growth rate of Nostoc commune
Graphical Abstract
Nostoc commune is a nitrogenfixing blue algae with reversibly characteristic and it plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle of the natural grassland. A simulation experiment was conducted to determine the effects of rainfall and grazing intensity on the growth rate of N. commune in this study. The results of this study indicated that moderate grazing benefited the growth of N. commune, and its growth rate was three times and four times at early and late growth stage of nograzing, respectively, and the lowest N. commune growth rate was observed in the nograzing treatment. Rainfall showed different effects on the early growth rate and the late growth rate of N. commune, indicating that the high rainfall significantly increased the early growth rate, and the early growth rate in highrainfall treatment was fourteen times that of low rainfall, and moderaterainfall significantly increased the late growth rate. The highest early growth rate of N. commune was presented in the treatment with moderate grazing and highrainfall and the highest late growth rate of N. commune was presented in the treatment with moderate grazing and averagerainfall.