Character and stability of malesterile Platycodon grandiflorum
Graphical Abstract
A pot experiment was conducted to determine the response of malesterile plant of Platycodon grandiflorum to illumination length, temperature, soil type, cultivated site and the fertile performance. The TTC dyeing, the I2KI dyeing and the artificial pollination were used to determine the ovule viability, the pollen viability and seeds setting, respectively. The sterile anther was atrophic and its colour was brown, pollen in sterile anther was abortive, the stamen was smaller than viable stamen. While seeds setting of sterile flowers was tantamount and the sterile corolla was bigger than fertile flower. Amount of microspores with crashing malesterile anther was immovability, and amount of microspores with halfway malesterile anther was slightly increase under lower temperature. There was the few influence of planted site, soil type and illumination on the fertile performance. The cross breed result showed that the maintain genes was with Shangluo platycodon and the restorer genes was with Zibo platycodon. The fertile performance of crashing malesterile plant was steady under different environment and it was administrated by genes in nucleolus and cytoplasm. rovide a foundation for breeding of malesterile line and heterosis utilization of Platycodon grandiflorum