Embryo rescue culture of selfing S1 generation multifoliate alfalfa
Graphical Abstract
Three alfalfa (Medicago sativa) plants of selfing S1 generation with multifolate characteristics were used to study embryo abortion rate of alfalfa inbred lines and effect of best sampling time and different levels of hormone on embryo rescue. The results pf this study showed that the average abortion rate of embryos was 37.59%. The best sampling time of embryo rescue culture was 30 d after pollination. The optimum medium of embryo rescue culture was MS medium containing 0.5 mg/L IAA and 0.07 mg/L 6BA+sucrose 30 g/L+agar 7 g/L, and pH 5.8-6.1. The average induction and differentiation rate of embryogenic callus were 85.32% and 75.66%,respectively. This study provided a theoretical basis of embryo rescue and an effective solution of low selfing fruitful rate of multifoliate alfalfa.