Study on the improvement of seed germination rate of Trifolium pratense cv. Mingshan
Graphical Abstract
Effects of H2SO4, NaOH, KNO3 and acetone solution on seed germination rate of Trifolium pratense cv. Minshan were studied. The result indicated that 4 chemicals could break dormancy and increase the seed germination rate of red clover. The solution concentration and soaking time performed different effects on seed germination rate. The best treatment was 40% of H2SO4 solution soaking for 10 minutes and the germination rate was increased by 37%. The germination rates were increased by 34%, 31%, 30%, 30% and 29% respectively under the treatments of 30% H2SO4 solution soaking for 15 minutes, 0.2% KNO3 solution soaking for 12 hours, 40% NaOH solution soaking for 10 minutes, 30% NaOH solution soaking for 15 minutes and 0.2% KNO3 solution soaking for 6 hours. Acetone solution showed the poor effect and the germination rate was increased by only 20%.