Study on drought resistance of four native grass species
Graphical Abstract
Drought resistance of four native grass species, including Roegneria thoroldiana, Poa pratensis, Elymus nutans and Festuca sinensis, in seedling stage was studied by pot culturing experiment. The results indicated that, the content of free proline(Fpro), soluble protein and soluble sugar, and the activity of catalase(CAT) and peroxidase(POD) increased with the increasing of drought stress. Beside, with the increasing of drought stress, decompose of chlorophyll, membrane permeability and electrolyte leakage rate were also increased, and the cellular tissues of grasses were damaged. Different grass spices had different changes on physiological and biochemical indexes under drought stress. The results of subordinate function analysis indicated that, the drought resistance ability of four grass species were R.thoroldianaP.pratensisE.nutansF.sinensis.