Effects of different forage combinations on Sunit lamb feeding in desert steppe
Graphical Abstract
For the rational use of desert steppe forages, studies were made on taken ceratoides and alfalfa as the main forage mached with aspartate and agropyron to fed sunit lamb. According to the principle of forage combination, six treatments were formed. They were 100% ceratoides, 50% ceratoides+50% aspartate, 50% ceratoides+50% agropyron, 100% alfalfa, 50% alfalfa+50% aspartate, 50% alfalfa+50% agropyron. The results showed that lamb fed with 100% alfalfa had best growth and slaughter performance. The feeding effect of 50% ceratoides+50% aspartate was better than 100% ceratoides, and 50% ceratoides+50% agropyron.