Character differences of Luctuca indica between early maturity variety and late maturity variety
Graphical Abstract
An experiment was conducted to compare the character differences of Luctuca indica between early maturity variety (Longmu) and late maturity variety (Daye) by measuring the seed germination, phenophase, ratio of stem to leaf, growth rate, disease resistance, yield and nutrient content. The results of this study showed that the germinating velocity, stemleaf characters, fresh weight of single plant and fresh yield was significantly different between early maturity variety and late maturity variety (P0.05). The Daye variety of L.indica did not enter into maturity in the Qiqihar regions due to long reproduction period, and its fresh weight of single plant and fresh yield was 526.39 g and 36196.99 kg/ha, respectively; however, the fresh weight of single plant and fresh yield of Longmu variety was 413.38g and 44 978.58 kg/ha, respectively.