Distribution and morphological characters of Neotyphodium endophytes in some grasses
Graphical Abstract
Distribution of the Epichloё endophytes and their host plants were surveyed in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui and Shanxi from March to July 2006.In total 1,487 grass plants, 54.3% was detected to be infected by Epichloё endophytes. In Jiangsu and Shanxi, the infection rates were as high as 55.5% and 69.0%, respectively. Neotyphodium endopytes were detected in these grasses grown in various areas, indicating a wide distribution and variable inhabitations of epichloё endophytes in native Chinese grasses. Morphological characteristics of Neotyphodium isolates obtained from Roegneria ciliaris were investigated further. On PDA plate, colonies grow rapidly to 12.5~37.2 mm/21d, phialide discrete, arising solitary from the aerial mycelium, septated at the base or middle, hyaline, smooth, 14.9~23.2 m long, 1.9~3.1 m at base, tapering to less than 1.0 m at tip; conidia hyaline, reniform to elliptical, bulk is (4.6~5.9)m(2.1~3.4)m. These morphological characteristics are significantly different from the welldescribed Neotyphodium species. Their phylogenetic relationship remains further researches.