Comparison of physiological indicators of four Bermudagrass cultivars respond to natural cooling process
Graphical Abstract
The electrical conductivity, MDA content, proline, soluble sugar, soluble protein content, chlorophyll content and SOD of four bermudagrass varieties (lines) under the natural cooling process were measured, and fuzzy membership function method was used to evaluate the cold resistance of the four bermudagrass cultivars (lines). The results showed that all the physiological indicators of four bermudagrass cultivars (lines) have responded to low temperature under the natural cooling process. Electrical conductivity and MDA content with decreasing temperature showed a general increasing trend, proline content, SOD and soluble sugar content activity increased first and then decreased as temperature decreasing, soluble protein content increased first in short order then decreased and increased by inches, chlorophyll decreased with the decreasing temperature in the overall, SOD activity increased with temperature decreasing at first and then decreased. Comprehensive results of the various physiological changes, with fuzzy membership function to evaluate the cold tolerance of four Bermudagrass cultivars (lines) in descending order: Dwarf Abortion BermudagrassPrincessTifwayHN019.