The control effectiveness of three herbicides on Solanum rostratum at its seedling stage
Graphical Abstract
A experiment was conducted to determine the control effectiveness of the 9 combination treatments of three herbicides on Solanum rostratum at its preemergence, cotyledon, one leaf, two leaf, three leaf, four leaf period stages, and these herbicides included the 2,4D, butyl acetate with 72% of quality score, Maize herbicide suspending agent with 40% of quality score, and Paraquat aqueous solution agent with 40% of quality score. The results of this study showed that three treatments performed well the control effectiveness on S. rostratumis, and they were 72% 2,4D, butyl acetate and 40% Maize herbicide suspending agent, and 20% Paraquat aqueous solution agent, however, the control effectiveness of 72% 2,4D, butyl acetate and 20% Paraquat aqueous solution agent on S. rostratumis gradually decreased when seedling grew up.