Study on the adaptability of Trifolium repens in the East of Sichuan
Graphical Abstract
The adaptability of two varieties, Ladinos and Huia, of Trifolium repens was studied in the Dazhou Fodder and Forage Grass Station of Sichuan Province from 2003 to 2008 by testing plant、root growth and development, the ratio of leaves to stem, grass and seed yields in the field, respectively. The results of this study indicated that both varieties adapted to the hot late summer weather in the Eastern Sichuan and were able to complete the reproductive cycle; there was no any obvious brown period during the growth period; the rate of oversummering was 100%; good diseaseresistant; and with higher and stable grass yield. The annual average of fresh grass yield of Ladinos was 87 784 kg/ha; that of Huia was 89 865 kg/ha. The annual average of dry grass yield of Ladinos was 12 483 kg/ha; that of Huia was 12 847 kg/ha. Two varieties can be used as main plants for artificial grassland construction at high temperature and drought region of the Eastern Sichuan Province, but not suitable for seed production.