The occurrence and control situation of grassland locusts in Gansu Province
Graphical Abstract
The occurrence and control situation of grassland locusts in Gansu Province were analyzed with the documents of several year's reports of Gansu Grassland Technology and Extension Station, and control strategies were summarized. There are 152 species of locusts, and the damaging area was more than 50% in whole nation. Therefore, grassland in Gansu is the key area in the locust's controlling. According to the intensity of the damage by locusts in Gansu, grassland in Gansu can be divided into four area: Qilian Mountain, Ganjia Mountain, Mazongshan Mountain and Longshoushan Mountain. Drought and decline of grassland enhance their lives, reproduction and damage. Since there are many locust' species, and damaging times are different for different species, controlling locusts become the most important work within the all pest control in grassland. Attempt to found some new mechanism to control locusts, and integrate common methods into special methods that used at emergency, grassland locusts would be finally controlled.