Introduction of high soluble sugar ryegrass in Longzhong Loess plateau and Hexi Oasis
Graphical Abstract
Abstract: Three varieties of high sugar ryegrass (HSR) were introduced to Longzhong Loess plateau and Hexi oasis respectively. The results showed that the contents of watersoluble carbohydrate (WSC) of these 3 varieties were all significant higher than those of control variety (CK) in two areas at first cutting (P0.05). The contents of WSC of 3 varieties were significant higher than those of CK in Longzhong Loess plateau at second cutting and contents of WSC of AberMagic and AberAvon were significant higher than those of CK in Hexi oasis (P0.05). There were no differences between these HSR varieties and control variety (CK) in the contents of NDF, ADF and crude protein (CP), while the yield is lower. The tiller numbers and the contents of CP, NDF, and ADF increased but contents of WSC decreased under cutting treatment in Longzhong Loess plateau, while the opposite tendency were observed in Hexi Oasis.