Evaluation of ecological services value of mountain shrubbygrassland ecosystem in Lhasariver valley regionA case study of Dazi County
Graphical Abstract
Selecting Dazi County as an example, different methods, including market value, substitution engineering and shadow price, were used to calculate the ecological services value of mountain shrubbygrassland ecosystem in Lhasariver valley. The results of this study showed that the total value of mountain shrubbygrassland ecosystem services was 265.03104 Yuan in Dazi County, consisting of 45.60104 Yuan production value with the percent of 17.20%, 83.80104 Yuan fixation of CO2 with of the percent of 31.62%, 113.33104 Yuan release of O2 with the percent of 42.76%, 13.16104 Yuan water holding with the percent of 4.97%, and 9.14104 Yuan nutrient circle maintaining with the percent of 3.45%. This study indicated that the mountain shrubbygrassland ecosystem provides great ecological services value, and the release of O2 was the most important service.