Genetic diversity of Buchloe dactyloides based on SRAP markers
Graphical Abstract
Buchloe dactyloides is a warmseason grass for lowmaintenance lawns. In this paper, sequencerelated amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular markers were used to detect the genetic diversity of 31 accessions of B. dactyloides collected from America, Canada and Japan. Nineteen primer pairs were used to amplify among the accessions. A total of 271 (86.86%) bands were observed. The genetic diversity coefficients (GS) varied from 0.586 5 to 0.916 7 among these accessions, with an average of 0.669 1. Two materials showed the specific and specific deletion bands respectively in the amplified products of different primer combinations. These bands can be used to identify genotypes of B. dactyloides. The dendrogram and principal component analysis revealed from these markers clustered the materials into two main groups. But materials from the same geographic origins were not classified into the same group.