Characteristics of growth, development and dry matter accumulation of wild soybean under cultivated condition
Graphical Abstract
Wild soybean(Glysine soja) is the ancestor of soybean(G.max) , its grain, stem and leaf can be used as feedstuffs. The growth, development and dry matter accumulation of three wild soybean ecotypes and two soybean cultivars were compared in order to study the forage production potential of wild soybean. The results showed that wild soybean could potentially produce more forages than soybean cultivars, its main stem was 73 cm longer that cultivated soybean, its leaf and stem yield were 54.3% and 86.1% higher than those of soybean cultivars. But its pod yield was much lower; cultivated soybean had 6.4 times higher pod production than that of the wild. The characteristics of growth, development and dry matter accumulation were significantly differed among wild ecotypes. The leaf, stem and whole plant yields of wild soybean originated from low attitude area were significantly higher than that originated from the high attitude area and local area, while pod production showed a reverse trend.