Comprehensive evaluation of production performance of Medicago ruthenica by grey correlation method
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, the method of gray correlation was used to perform the comprehensive evaluation of 20 wild Medicago ruthenica materials from 13 regions of Inner Mongolia. Plant height, growth duration, growth rate of plant height, D/WRatio, wet matter yield, dry matter yield and seed yield were used as indicators to constructed the model to evaluate the production performance of various materials. The results showed that M4 from Huitengliang County, M8 from Tongliao City, M5 from Xisu County and M6 from Tongliao City showed relatively better production performance. In contrast, M20 from Damao County, M19 from Wulanchabu Siziwangqi, M3 from Xilinhot and M10 from Chifeng City showed low production performance. The weight of each trait indicator were in the following order: plant heightgrowth durationgrowth ratedry matter yieldwet matter yieldD/WRatio.