Effects of milk replacer mixture on growth and organ development in earlyweaned lambs
Graphical Abstract
The feeding effects of the milk replacer with different materials and formulas in earlyweaned lambs were studied. Twentyfive 30 day lambs (Gansu Alpine Fine Wool Sheep) were divided into 5 groups and 5 in each group, the lambs in control group were breastfed and grazed with the ewes; the lambs in treatment group were weaned at 30 day age and fed with 4 different milk replacers (Group A: popped main diet materials; Group B: unpopped main diet materials; Group C: popped main diet materials with spraydried porcine plasma (SDPP); Group D: with whey powder on the basis of C). The trial period was from 30 to 90 days age. The results showed that the body weights of the control group were maximum at 50 and 70 day age. The lambs in treatment group were affected by weaning stress. The body weight of group D was significantly higher than the group B and C (P0.05) and more than the control group at 90 day age. The daily weight gains of group D were maximum and significantly higher than the group B and C (P0.05) during 30 to 90 day age. The spleen weight in control group was significantly higher than 4 treatment groups (P0.05), spleen index was maximum. In a conclusion, the milk replacer with SDPP and whey powder was positive to health, and further, body weight gains for earlyweaned lambs.