Study on organogenesis of stem segments in vitro of F1 generation of Trifolium ambiguumT. repens
Graphical Abstract
Stems of the hybrid F1 generation of Trifolium ambiguumT. repens from immature embryos in vitro was used as the explants to culture the adventitious buds through the way of direct organogenesis. The suitable induction, differentiation and rooting medium were selected and the effect on organogenesis with different concentrations of hormone combinations was studied in order to prepare for the establishment of propagations system and subsequent backcross experiment. The results showed that the MS+2,4D 0.1 mg/L+6BA 2 mg/L was the appropriate induction media, the MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L+6BA 1 mg/L+KT 1 mg/L was the appropriate differentiation medium, and the 1/2MS medium which had no any hormones was the suitable rooting medium.