A study on transformation of Hypodermin A gene into Medicago sativa
Graphical Abstract
The high efficiency regeneration and genetic transformation system of alfalfa (Medicago sativa)was established by using the cotyledons as explants from the sterile 7days old seedlings of M.sativa cv. Gannong No.1. The optimal medium for callus induction and regeneration from Gannong No.1 cotyledons was MS+2,4D 2.0 mg/L+6BA 0.5 mg/L and MS+6BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.03 mg/L+GA3 2.0 mg/L respectively. In this study, the efficiency transformation system included agrobacterium concentration OD6000.5, infection time 8-10 min and coculture time 2 d. The transgenic plants were identified by PCR and Southern blot techniques. The results indicated that the Hyperdomin A (HA) gene had been transformed into the genome of Gannong No.1 alfalfa.