Effect of different trace elements on yield and quality of ryegrass
Graphical Abstract
Based on the ample N,P and K fertilizer, fertilizer containing trace element Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、B and Mo was sprayed on growing ryegrass in order to study the different trace elements and application rates on yield and quality of the ryegrass. The results showed that spraying Fe(0.05%)、Cu(0.07%)、Zn(0.40%)、Mn(0.10%)、B(0.60%)and Mo(0.20%)raised the ryegrass yield significantly(P<0.05). Suitable Fe、Cu、Mn、B and Mo trace element fertilizers could improve the content of crude protein (by 3.72%~6.67%)、crude fiber(CF) and ash; Nitrogen free extract (NFE) content tended to decline. The trace element fertilizer of ZnSO47H2O reduced the content of CP,while H3BO3 increased EE content. In addition, the content of Fe、Cu、Zn 、Mn、B and Mo in the ryegrass increased with the increasing application rates; significant difference was observed when 0.1% Cu, 1% B, 0.3% Mo, 0.40% Zn, 0.1% Mn, 0.05% Fe were sprayed(P<0.05).