Study on vegetation characteristics and soil nutrition of Kubuqi Desert
Graphical Abstract
The vegetation and soil nutrition characteristics of flow sandy land semifixed sandy land, fixed sandy land, and planted Astragalus adsurgens and Hedysarum laeve communities in Kubuqi Desert were studied. The results showed that the soil nutrient contents correlated with the vegetation coverage and the general trend was that the soil nutrient content of high coverage vegetation was high. Among the natural vegetations, the content order of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, and soil protease, urease, invertase levels was fixed sandy land semifixed sandy land flow sandy land. The soil nutrient content of planted vegetation was higher than the natural vegetation. In which, the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, total phosphorus were 44.4%, 13.0%, 29.5% and 22.7% higher. The contents of soil protease, urease, polyphenol oxidase and invertase activity were 23.41%, 37.10%, 7.96% and 47.41% higher. Within community, the annual and biennial plants accounted for 44% to 63%, perennial species 25% to 43%, shrub and subshrub 8% to 18%. The diversity order was semifixed sandy landfixed sandy landflow sandy land. As for biomass, the order was H. leaveA. adsurgensfixed sandy landsemifixed sandy landflow sandy land.