Effects of different levels of nitrogen and potassium on production trait of Qingyin No.1 oat
Graphical Abstract
The effects of different levels of N(0, 50, 75 and 100 kg/hm2)and K (0, 75, 105 and 135 kg/hm2)on the production characteristics of Qingyin No.1 oat were studied. The results showed that the different nitrogen and potassium levels could significantly increase the growth indices of oat such as the plant height, leaf area, spikelet number, spike length, spike weight and 1000seedweight, and increase the yield of herbage and seed. The production characteristics indices were reached to higher values at the level of N75K105,and represented as 157.8 cm plant height, 11.5 cm2 in leaf area, 2.5 live tillers per plant, 38.8 kernels per spike, 20.6 cm in spike length, 2.9 g in spike weight, 34.6 g in 1000seedweight, and 6 778 kg/hm2 in seed yield, respectively. The fresh yield was the highest (63 404 kg/hm2) at the level of N100K135. In the practice of oat production, N, P, K fertilizers rates and ratio should be considered to exert the promoting effect of K on N fertilizer.