Tissue culture and rapid propagation of pedicels of early flowering Phalaenopsis amabilis
Graphical Abstract
The testtube plantlets were obtained from young pedicels of the early flowering Phalaenopsis amabilis, and their shoot tips were used as explants. The best culture medium formula was selected by adding different concentration of 6BA, NAA, TDZ and 2, 4D into MS and 1/2 MS, and then the regeneration and tissue culture system of P. amabilis was developed. This study showed that sterilizing effectiveness of pedicels with 0.1% corrosive sublimate for 15 minutes was the best. The initial medium of pedicel axillary buds was the 1/2 MS appended with 2 mg/L of 6BA and 0.2 mg/L of NAA (the former culture medium), while the differentiation medium induced shoot tips was the 1/2 MS added with 6 mg/L of 6BA and 0.2 mg/L of NAA or the 1/2 MS added with 5 mg/L of 6BA and 0.01 mg/L of 2,4D (the latter culture medium) and the differentiation rate of shoot tips was 50%. The 16.7% and 33.3 of shoot tips were induced as protocormlike bodies and adventive buds in the former culture medium, while only protocormlike bodies were found in the latter culture medium. The enrichment culture medium of protocormlike bodies was the MS added with 3 mg/L of 6BA and 0.2 mg/L of NAA, and The enrichment times of protocormlike bodies was 4.7. The induced rooting culture medium was the 1/2 MS added with 0.5 mg/L of NAA, and the rooting rate and survival rate after transplanting was 98% and 89.3%, respectively.