Analysis on plant community diversity of mountainous steppe on northern bank of Qinghai Lake
Graphical Abstract
Through the analysis of community characteristic and species diversity of mountainous steppe in Qinghai Lake, this paper concluded that Achnatherum splendens grassland, abandoned land, mountain slope grassland and scattered A .splendens grassland were divided into four community types such as A. splendens+Poa sp., Poa sp.+Elymus nutans, Koeleria cristatum+Stipa krylovii and S.krylovii+E.nutans, respectively. The change orders of plant diversity indices such as ShannonWeiner index and Simpson index were bottomlandmountain slope grassland abandoned landA. splendens grassland, the Pielou evenness index ranked as mountain slope grassland abandoned landbottomlandA. splendens, and the richness indices were bottomlandabandoned landmountain slope grasslandA. splendens grassland. The difference of habitat conditions resulted in the formation of species diversity.