Soil respiration variation and its relationship with hydrothermic factor under different biotopes of alpine meadow distributed area
Graphical Abstract
Based on field-orientation observation, soil respiration variations and its relationship of enclosure which is the control plot, and grazing land, mole-hills and ant-hills in different biotopes through the method of comparative analysis were analyzed in the Haibei region of Qinghai Province from June to September in 2012.The main results were as followed:1) Seasonal dynamics of each treatment were apparent, which was enclosure treatmentmole hill treatmentgrazing treatmentant tower treatment.2)Soil respiration in different months showed: differences of mole hill treatment and enclosure and grazing treatments were not significant in June and July; differences of ant tower and other treatments were significant (P0.05) in other moths; difference of grazing treatment was not significant compared with enclosure treatment except the soil respiration in July.3)Soil respiration rate was positively correlated with soil temperature,and the most significant one was control treatment, the correlation coefficient of 0.851.The Q10 were followed by 2.39, 4.66, 2.03 and 2.29, respectively.4)There was no significant correlation between SRR and soil water content.