Tissue culture studies, and the plant regeneration system of Sinningia hybrida ‘Isa’s Murmur’
Graphical Abstract
The effects of various disinfection methods, the basic medium and exogenous hormone ratios on callus inductions, adventitious bud inductions, proliferation, and rooting were investigated using leaves from Sinningia hybrida ‘Isa’s Murmur’ as explants.We established a regeneration system via tissue culture of S.. The results showed that when leaf tissue of S. was sterilized with 75% ethanol for 10 s followed by 0.1% mercuric chloride for 300 s, the pollution rate was the lowest (15.56%). MS medium with 2.0 mg·L–1 6-BA and 0.1 mg·L–1 NAA exhibited the highest callus inductions rate (91.11%). The 50% MS medium with 2.0 mg·L–1 6-BA and 0.05 mg·L–1 NAA was optimal for adventitious bud inductions, with a adventitious bud induction rate of 88.89%. The optimal medium for adventitious bud proliferation was MS containing 2.0 mg·L–1 6-BA and 0.1 mg·L–1 NAA. The proliferation rate was 2.38. The optimal rooting medium was 50% MS medium containing 0.1 mg·L–1 IBA, with a rooting rate of 87.78%. The survival rate was above 96.67% when plantlets were moved into mixed matrices containing 1 humus: 2 peat soil: 2 river sand. The results of these studies can provide a basis for genetic transformation and large-scale propagation of Sinningia hybrida ‘Isa’s Murmur’.