Evaluation of the nutritional value of mulberry leaves fed to Yunnan Yunling cattle
Graphical Abstract
The content of routine nutrients, amino acids, and anti-nutrition factors present in mulberry leaves (Morus alba) was analysed using a chemical analysis method to evaluate its feed value. The degradation rates of the dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), and acid detergent fibre (ADF) of mulberry leaves were determined using the nylon-bag technique. The results showed that the crude protein in mulberry leaves is 22.50% and thus it can be used as a protein source in feed. The effective degradation rates of the nutrients in mulberry leaves were CP 65.02%, ADF 48.39%, NDF 56.42%, DM 58.56%, and OM 59.42%, respectively. There were 17 kinds of amino acids detected in mulberry leaves; the essential amino acid (EAA)/toll amino acid (TAA) was 0.427 and the essential amino acid (EAA)/non-essential amino acid (NEAA) was 0.746. The closeness degree (μ) was only 0.524, and the score of ratio coefficient of amino acid (SRCAA) was only 65.02. The anti-nutritional factors in mulberry leaves were polysaccharides, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, phytic acid, DNJ, and oxalic acid. In conclusion, mulberry leaves showed high nutritional value and could be used as a protein feed. The imbalance of amino acids and the problem of anti-nutritional factors in feed necessitates adequate consideration.