Effect of sowing methods on the productivity of mixed Avena sativa and Vicia sativa pastures
Graphical Abstract
Based on the technical requirements of constructing annual artificial grassland in the Western Sichuan Plateau, Avena sativa and Vicia sativa were used as experimental materials for mixed meadows. Under the same seed quantity conditions, five types of sowing methods, including broadcast and drilling sowing, were used for crops arranged in lines 20 or 30 cm apart. Plant height, tiller number, biomass structure, fresh grass and hay yield, nutrient component, and energy yield were measured for hay grass to analyse the effect of mixed sowing methods on forage productivity. Results show that sowing method had a significant effect on plant height and tiller number for oats and V. sativa, as well as biomass and distribution ratios of individual plants (P < 0.05). Sowing method also had a highly significant effect on density of oats and V. sativa and grassland community composition (P < 0.01). For broadcast sowing, oats reached the maximum yield and V. sativa was at the minimum yield. However, the opposite pattern was observed in the 30 cm inter-row drilling treatment. The total grassland yield was highest in the 20 cm same-row drilling treatment. The nutrient value of forage was highest in the 30 cm inter-row drilling treatment, while the content of crude protein (CP), crude fat (EE) and nitrogen-free extract (NFE) was lowest in this treatment. The effect of mixed sowing methods on the energy of 1 kg of dry matter was ME > DE > TDN > GE, and the influence of energy yield was DE > ME > TDN > GE. Hay grass yield and energy yield were both highest in the 20 cm same-row drilling treatment, which is suitable for application in production.