Exploration of teaching practice and existing problems in the public elective course “Grassland Culture and Tourism”
Graphical Abstract
Public elective courses are an important component of the college curriculum teaching system and undergraduate talent training system. They are also a key method in the promotion of comprehensive quality and humanities education to undergraduates. A new public elective course, " Grassland Culture and Tourism,” was used as a study case. From the perspective of teaching practice and students’ course selection attitude, four aspects were analyzed with 20 questions through the methods of anonymous class questionnaires and individual interviews, in order to evaluate the purpose of public elective course of study, attitudes to learning, the acceptance of the test methods, and teaching ability. The aim of this study was to analyze the existing problems and the reasons for teaching practice in public elective courses and to put forward management suggestions and improvement measures, such as the provision of more high-quality public courses to meet the demand for students’ course learning.