The contaminant microorganism species of a grass plant microbiology laboratory and their source
Graphical Abstract
In this research project, the potato dextrose agar (PDA) plate exposure method was used to collect microorganisms from a sterile room and from a conventional operation room in a microbiology laboratory. The main strains were identified by morphological and molecular morphology. Changes in the bacterial colony after sterile operations, such as spraying with alcohol or wiping the table, were observed. Research showed that the laboratory had a total of 11 kinds of contaminating microorganism, including Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Dietzia maris, and Arthrobacter globiformis. Altogether, there were eight kinds of bacteria and three kinds of fungi, namely Penicillium sp., Peziza ostracoderma, and Cladosporium cladosporioides. Among them, the dominant strains were Kocuria rosea, A. globiformis, and D. maris, with the colonies numbering 28, 28, and 23, respectively. The study found that the kinds of microorganism of sterile room where placed three ultra clean bench more than conventional operation room, and contains all kinds of conventional operation room. The study indicated that the microbes in the conventional operation room came from the sterile room. There was a large difference between the microorganism species of the laboratory and the common microbial species in the air, indicating that the microbes of the sterile room may have been introduced by improper operations during microbial research. After carrying out sterile operations, the contaminant microorganisms of the inside and the outside of the ultra-clean benches were reduced by 64% and 9%, respectively. The experiments show that wiping out the ultra-clean bench and spraying alcohol can effectively reduce the pollution of microbial cultures. Based on the microbial source, it is necessary to standardize the operation and reduce the air flow between the laboratory and outside. This study provides a scientific basis for the detection, prevention, and control of microbial contamination in a microbiology laboratory.