Analysis of structures of ecological and areal types of plant species in Horqin sandy land of China
Graphical Abstract
To investigate plant diversity and ecological characteristics of plants in Horqin sandy land, and to reflect environmental change and ecological adaption traits, 56 sample plots were established in 2013. Plants were classified according to growth form of the species, growth form of the roots, Raunkiaer life form, ecological type of water, and areal type. There were 121 species of plants in this region, belonging to 31 families. There were 6 plant growth forms, 5 root growth forms, 6 life forms, 5 ecological water types, and 13 areal types. Gramineae was the most abundant accounting for 23.1% of the plants, and composites and legumes accounted for 22.3% and 11.6%, respectively. Plant growth forms were primarily the vertical type, accounting for 37%, followed by the branch type and cluster type that accounted for 30% and 19%, respectively. Of the root growth forms, the taproot type was the most abundant, accounting for 61%, followed by brush root and rhizome type that accounted for 22% and 15%, respectively. The structure of life style was primarily hemicryptophyte species, accounting for 35%, and annual plants and ground geophytes accounted for 26% and 14%, respectively. The ecological water type was primarily the born in, accounting for 44%, followed by the xeric and mcsoxerophyte type that accounted for 26% and 23%, respectively. Distribution structure of the species was primarily the Mongolian-Northeastern-Dahuricia-North China, accounting for 30%, followed by the Mongolia area and Mongoian-Northeastern-North China areal type that accounted for 18% and 10%, respectively. These results indicate that the Horqin sandy land is at the early stage of ecological recovery. Its flora is complex, with a lack of large changes in water conditions, which are beneficial for the positive succession of plant communities. However, the top soil is still vulnerable, and most of plants are annual plant species. Thus, improvement of grassland management is still needed to protect and properly utilize the plant resources.